Wednesday, January 07, 2009

2009 Year of Change

What a ghastly start to a New Year. Bloodshed in Gaza, job losses and cut backs, freezing weather, cuts to gas supplies courtesy of the Russians…and a wave of coughs colds and flu that made this commuter’s break more like a rest cure than a holiday.
Tube fares are up as well, by 8.5%. Can’t complain too much because this is the first increase for several years. But it adds to the general gloom. At least the trains were not too crowded this morning because when you are coughing and spluttering like me, the fewer people around the better.
I discovered the “gadgets” feature that Google offer to help spice up blogs – hence the wholly spurious poll at the top right. Both stations are pretty damn dull, right? Watch out for more utterly pointless polls and other time-wasting enhancements in the future (you could hardly watch out for them in the past but somehow the phrase “in the future” rounds it off nicely and I am fond of a well-crafted sentence).

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